Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Feburary 19,2013

Drafting Exercise for paper 2
Role:  Inspirational role models
Teacher 1: Dr. Connie White
Teacher 2: Marva Jones
Body Paragraphs:
A.: Hard worker
                1. Dr. Connie White would have a personal relationship with the kids, she would make she what happens in their personal life would be taking care of so she knows that they are ready to come to school to learn.  For example if kids didn’t have lunch money she would help them out, that way she knew they were sitting in class with full bellies and ready to learn.
                2. Sometimes when the kids wanted to talk to her she would.  Dr. Connie white would set down and just sometimes listen to her student talk about any issues they had because she knows that makes them better students
                3. Dr. Connie White would ask the kids about their extra-curricular activities, so when she is teaching them she can use things that they like to learn with.  For example most student love computer so she would find computer games that the kids can play and even sometimes do their homework with.
B.: Integrity
                1. Dr. Connie White is always honest with her kids about what they are going to do today or even if they are not behaving well in class.
                2. When understanding young kids it can sometimes be hard because they don’t always know how to express their self.  So as a teacher she would always try and understand there feeling and emotions for that day.  When a student comes into class not feeling well but there parents made them come to school anyways she would let them just set in the back of the class and relax that day.
                3. Never backing down when a kid cheats in class. She will sticking to the rules that she has and up holds, not let that kid out of the punishment so easy.
C.: Successful giving them there lessons
                1. making sure the kids are reaching their goal in the classroom, pressing them beyond their limits.  Making sure kids get the most out of her class time.
                2. When Dr. Connie White helps the kids study for their math test she makes sure that every kid gets it so no one does badly on the test.  She wears the model “no kid Left behind.”
                3. She wants her kids to be successful with her and the work that she gives so she makes sure it is always appropriate to their learning style.
Teacher 2:
D: Inspirational
1.       Marva was such a good teacher, that by just through her teaching she inspired the kids to show up to class every day.  No matter what they were going through in there on personal lives.
2.       A lot of times by the end of the year Teacher Marva would get kids to say “when I grow up I want to be a teacher just like you.”
3.       Teacher Marva was willing to sacrifice her own personal time and personal time with her own kids to give to other kids.  She was inspired to do right by the kids that she had in her class.
E.: Motivation
                1. Teacher Marva would motivate the kids every morning so they were ready to learn throughout the day.
                2. She was passionate about what she taught and because of that the kids could see and feel the passion and that made them want to push for something great each day.
                3. Teacher Marva would take personal responsibility for her student, so when she would talk about them to another teacher it was always to motivate that teacher to want her students to be the same way.
F.: Positive Attitude
                1. Even if she was having a bad day she would not let that reflect on her classroom.  She would still come to class ready to teach her classroom
                2. Sometimes it is hard to teach a room full of children all day long.  However Teacher Marva would do it with a smile on her face and because of that most of the time her kids would have a positive attitude towards her.      
                3. Teacher Marva was passionate about what she did and the kids could see that and respect her for that quality.
                Dr. Connie White and Marva Jones are very much alike which is inspirational, inspiring and motivators to their student and that is why they both have a high quality and or standard for teaching.  They both hold the standards that they have to there student, which is why there kids are so successful.             

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mona Lisa Smiles

Ø  The girls new all her work before she could even show it
Ø  They embarrassed her, the teacher
Ø  The leaving condition and the rules for just the teachers were very strict
Ø  She had a very hard first day and didn’t feel wanted
Ø  She wanted to make a difference
Ø  Making the girls think differently, outside of the box
Ø  What is art what makes it good or bad and who decides?
Ø  The girls were dealing with there on personal difference and Ms. Watson was going, is going to expose them all.
Ø  Sometimes the girls can be really rude to each other
Ø  It seems like at the school everyone has a secret.
Ø  Getting married seem to be the underline bases of the school
Ø  A teacher was fired for the her liberal thoughts
Ø  The other teacher starting to have a problem with the way the teacher is teaching
Ø   Ms. Watson her job is on the line
Ø   1954 is when this film takes place
Ø  You can conform to what other people expect or you can think and be yourself
Ø  The girls have a secret club were they could bring anyone in and ask them personal question
Ø  Ms. Watson is quick on the response when the girls a rude to her
Ø  Demanding excellence is all Ms. Watson wanted to do for the girl
Ø  I like the line…. “The roles we are born to fill” It makes me think as women are we still being born just to be wife’s  to fill that role with the expectation of so much more.  What is the more now we have the expectation to work, go to school for higher education, clean, take care of the kids and still bring in the beacon just like the man.  What is the expectation and who is putting it on us? We are called Super Women now, if we can do it all.  However are we doing what really makes us happy? Are we falling in love with who makes us happy? What is your joy?
Ø  Don’t wash you dirty laundry in public
Ø  Giving her a set of strict rules
Ø  There is a change by the end of the movie with the girls
Ø  Wanting to make a difference was her goal

Tuesday 2/12

Question: How are Mr. Escalante and Ms. Watson different? Similar?
                Mr. Escalante and Ms. Watson are similar because they had a passion for their student.  They both took their jobs as school teachers very serious and personal.  I feel like they could see the passion and the dreams in their student eyes and they wanted more for their student.  As far the two teachers they made life changing decision to become teachers.  Mr. Escalante quit a good job and sometimes even sacrifices his family time to be a great teacher.  Whereas, Ms. Watson moved out of the country for a change started teaching girls who were being taught how to be wives and not independent women.  Mr. Escalante and Ms. Watson are different simply because there teaching style and the way they chose to handle authority in problems would arise.  Mr. Escalante went back to his community to help make it a better place, where Ms. Watson went out of the country just to try something new.  Mr. Escalante was a math teacher and Ms. Watson was an art teacher so there style in teaching also makes them different.  As teacher they both had an ideal of what they wanted and they did not rest until they saw it out.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Conclusion to the Movie Nite....

Mr. Escalante was a great teacher because he had a passion for the wanting to teach the kids math and thats what he did.  He push them to there greater limits and the school had to jump on board with what he was doing in order to suceed.  I would say where he went wrong sometimes is not being understanding to the kids and seeing that they too were making the a sarcifice and they were pushing there self beyond the limits personally.

Movie Nite

Notes for Stand and delivery
February 5, 2012
English class 101
~The first day was hard for the teacher but he quickly came to the conclusion that he is going to have to teach outside of the box.
~He has to be interesting in order to keep the kids attention.
~This job is something that he wants to do, so he has a passion for the job and not something he fell into.
~Even though the school is a tough school he showed no fear.
~He is in the process of making the kids better.
~He want the kids to do great because he knows there backgrounds, and he helped them on a personal level because he wants them to succeed he goes over and beyond for his student.
~When he set the rules he stuck to them didn’t back down, he just want to see the kids want this for themselves (so effort).
~Having a good time in class was a must too.
~He pushed the kids to make them want to do well but he pushes himself, he made sacrifices.
~Students take classes in the summer and come in early.
~acting like a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat.
~The kids get a teacher who just doesn’t care a sub.  Who teaches music, so it doesn’t even seem like the school support him.
~dedication is when he goes straight back to work even when he is advised not to.
~Because he worked so hard with the kids they were able to pass and do a great job. (18 out of 18 pass the class)
~The kids cared and appreciated him for what he did that they fixed his car
~The teacher goes and stands for the kids no matter what, because he know those kids did good on that test and passed the test in honest.
~dedication is all I can say…..
~The numbers doubled as the years went on……..