Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mona Lisa Smiles

Ø  The girls new all her work before she could even show it
Ø  They embarrassed her, the teacher
Ø  The leaving condition and the rules for just the teachers were very strict
Ø  She had a very hard first day and didn’t feel wanted
Ø  She wanted to make a difference
Ø  Making the girls think differently, outside of the box
Ø  What is art what makes it good or bad and who decides?
Ø  The girls were dealing with there on personal difference and Ms. Watson was going, is going to expose them all.
Ø  Sometimes the girls can be really rude to each other
Ø  It seems like at the school everyone has a secret.
Ø  Getting married seem to be the underline bases of the school
Ø  A teacher was fired for the her liberal thoughts
Ø  The other teacher starting to have a problem with the way the teacher is teaching
Ø   Ms. Watson her job is on the line
Ø   1954 is when this film takes place
Ø  You can conform to what other people expect or you can think and be yourself
Ø  The girls have a secret club were they could bring anyone in and ask them personal question
Ø  Ms. Watson is quick on the response when the girls a rude to her
Ø  Demanding excellence is all Ms. Watson wanted to do for the girl
Ø  I like the line…. “The roles we are born to fill” It makes me think as women are we still being born just to be wife’s  to fill that role with the expectation of so much more.  What is the more now we have the expectation to work, go to school for higher education, clean, take care of the kids and still bring in the beacon just like the man.  What is the expectation and who is putting it on us? We are called Super Women now, if we can do it all.  However are we doing what really makes us happy? Are we falling in love with who makes us happy? What is your joy?
Ø  Don’t wash you dirty laundry in public
Ø  Giving her a set of strict rules
Ø  There is a change by the end of the movie with the girls
Ø  Wanting to make a difference was her goal

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