Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday 2/12

Question: How are Mr. Escalante and Ms. Watson different? Similar?
                Mr. Escalante and Ms. Watson are similar because they had a passion for their student.  They both took their jobs as school teachers very serious and personal.  I feel like they could see the passion and the dreams in their student eyes and they wanted more for their student.  As far the two teachers they made life changing decision to become teachers.  Mr. Escalante quit a good job and sometimes even sacrifices his family time to be a great teacher.  Whereas, Ms. Watson moved out of the country for a change started teaching girls who were being taught how to be wives and not independent women.  Mr. Escalante and Ms. Watson are different simply because there teaching style and the way they chose to handle authority in problems would arise.  Mr. Escalante went back to his community to help make it a better place, where Ms. Watson went out of the country just to try something new.  Mr. Escalante was a math teacher and Ms. Watson was an art teacher so there style in teaching also makes them different.  As teacher they both had an ideal of what they wanted and they did not rest until they saw it out.

1 comment:

  1. Good observations, especially about Ms. Watson leaving the country just to try something new!
