Tuesday, March 12, 2013

charter schools paper

Argument on the paper that I am working on:
What is it you want to change, add, or cause to happen to k-12 education?
Make schools charter schools
Who is the audience that you are trying to persuade?
Parents, educators, students, community members
Why should they care about this?
Because it’s a better way to educate children 
Trying a different approach to learning
What will they gain or lose?
A better educational system
Better child teacher relationship
Reason they should agree with you?
Because charter schools are the new way to educate
Because Charter schools are open to community involvement
Because charter schools allow teachers to be open and creative
Reason they might not agree?
No, because not really educated on charter schools
No, because makes teachers to be accountable and they may not meet the standard
No, because if the nu8mbers are to low the school will shut down
Answer to their possible objections?
True, however class sizes are smaller
Well, yes, but more children are being educate with their learning style and not the teachers
Not in this cases, because there are over 25 state that have successful charter schools
What support can give for each of the reasons for your arguments?
 Reason President Clinton was for charter school and funded money for them where President Bush shut them down
Reason the state of Washington voted for charter school and will have five years to get them up and running
Reason public schools are not graduating as much school as charter schools now

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