Wednesday, March 6, 2013

paper #2

Tiffany Hye
English 101
Paper #2
Some would say those who care teach, in today’s society finding good teachers can be difficult to find; when a child finds a teacher that they love, and enjoy being in their classroom, parents should support the teacher in the classroom.  Teachers can become inspirational role models, therefore I would like to talk about two wonderful intelligent teachers I have the pleasure of knowing.  Both of these women have given their time in teaching children for over 20 to 25 years.  They have taught children important educational lessons, and life skills.  Marva Jones and Dr. Connie White are inspirational teachers because they care so much about the future of children.
                The most important role that a teacher can play in a student’s life is to be an encourager.  Dr. Connie White and Teacher Marva Jones have both displayed this quality.  They have many other positive attributes: such as a motivator, hard worker, inspirational, positive attitude, high integrity, and success.  Both of these ladies not only displayed this on their jobs, but also in their personal life which made them great teachers.  Dr. Connie White and Teacher Marva Jones has the characteristic of putting in 100% commitment in teaching children.  If you ever want to be a great teacher, you may need to ask yourself are you willing to put your heart into achieving to be a great teacher.
                Dr. Connie White feels like she is a positive role model, not only to her students but to her grandchildren too.  A lot of her students tell her she is a hard working teacher. She comes to school with fresh ideas, and a positive attitude no matter how she is feeling. Dr. Connie White has established a personal relationship with her students.   An example of this is when she knew that children didn’t have lunch money, she would help them out. She understood in order for a child to focus and be ready to learn they needed food.  She always strived to work hard to make sure her students were happy.  Whenever children came to Dr. Connie with a concern or just to talk, she would just sit and listen to her student’s. Dr. Connie would find out what her students like to do on their own time, this way she would use their own personal likes to teach.  Most of her students love to play computer games at home, so she implemented some of the learning games into her classroom to keep their interest.  That’s what a hardworking teacher does when they care about children.
                The definition of integrity is to adhere to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character and honesty.  Dr. Connie teaches 4th & 5th graders in a highly capable program in federal way.  She understands and is aware of being honest and having integrity is important to her students, because they are always watching.  She keeps her students informed about their daily task, and she recognizes their positive behavior in class.  If Dr. Connie White notices a child cheating in her class, she is willing to take the time to talk to the child privately and tell that cheating is wrong. She would also have the student to write a paper about cheating. Dr. Connie has been a teacher for over 15 years and a per-school teacher for 5 years. Her honesty and integrity as a teacher has never been question.  Keeping her good name is most important to Dr. Connie White.
Success fulness is accomplishing an aim or purpose, this explains Dr. Connie White.   One might argue that teachers are not getting paid enough money for teaching school. Dr. Commie stated that she’s not only teaching because of the money but to see children become successful in life.  Dr. Connie feels like when she is successful in her classroom; she is successful at life. Some teachers feel like they are a successful teacher because they are in a higher paid status. However, Dr. Connie believes that being successful as a teacher is all about the children reaching their potential. She encourages her students to press beyond their limits and making sure that her students get the most out of their class time.  She wants her kids to be successful within her classroom. She recognizes each of her students learning styles.  She believes that a successful teacher must be passionate in the way they teach. In other words, if you want to be a successful teacher, you must be passionate about teaching; because it’s the passion and interest that will keep you motivated to teach.
                Another wonderful role model teacher is Marva Jones; she has been a teacher for over 25 years.  She started working as a Brownie Troop leader, than work in home day cares until see landed a job at Head Start.  She began teaching young children from the ages 3 – 5 years old. Her motto is “Teach them while they are young.”  Most people like to call her a motivator because this is a quality that she has.  Marva would start her morning in her Head Start classroom with the children saying positive affirmations so they can start their day in a positive way.  When a child has a positive start to their day it makes the classroom atmosphere run smoother.  Marva take personal responsibility for her student by following each child’s interest. She seems to enjoy talking with other teachers about her children. She said, “It seems to motivate other teachers to share their funny stories about the children in their classroom.”  Marva is also passionate about what she teaches the children, and brings out the best in them because she knows it will motivate the children to become little leaders.
                Marva is a great teacher; she inspired the children and parents to become more involved in school.  The children would tell their parents that they want to go to school because they liked teacher Marva.   Marva was inspired to love school at a very young age of 5.  She didn’t like to miss a day of school even when it snowed, and the school bus couldn’t come and pick her up; she would walk. That same inspiration and motivation she had as a child, she hopes her children in her classroom will grow up with the same desire.  At the end of the school year Marva students would say “when I grow up I want to be just like you.” That inspired Marva to want to continue to be an inspirational teacher.
                A positive attitude goes a long way, even if you are having a bad day.  She wouldn’t allow her personal feeling affect her classroom.  Marva always came to class ready to teach no matter what happens.  Sometimes most people would find it difficult to teach 18 children all day long.  However, Marva would do it with a smile on her face and because of that most of her children felt happy and loved in her classroom. Marva raised four children of her own during the time she was teaching pre-school.   When you do something you really love, and enjoy it, it’s much easier to have a positive attitude. Marva no longer work directly into the classrooms but encourages the 16 teachers she manages to have a positive attitude as soon as they walk into their classroom.
                Dr. Connie White and Teacher Marva Jones are very much alike which is inspirational, motivating and having a positive attitude with children. That is why they both have successful classrooms, because they are willing to give so much too each child and work very hard at it.   "Learning is finding out what we already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers, and teachers."-- Richard Bach

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