Thursday, January 17, 2013

Argue point of view

Swim Suits:
                Swim Suits come in all shapes and size.  I am here to argue the point of swim suits,  I thinks the best point to argue is does the Miss America; and all the other beauty pageants need the swim suit competition to stay alive…..
                While it makes for interesting TV. I don’t think so because who cares what a women looks like in there swim suit.  They say it to show the confidence and the strength of a woman but does a two piece really show the confidences and the strength of a woman.  I though just being who we are as women should be enough.  I mean when the president is being elect, we don’t ask to see him in his swim wear in order to better judge his strength as the President?  No, because it really doesn’t matter.  I think wearing a swim suit is your own confident level and should not be judge on how little it is.  Now of days if you are watching TV you even see the little girls wearing them on shows like little honeyboo or toddler and tiaras.  When they go completion what is that really teaching those little girl besides looking good in your swim wear.  Swims wear just another way for people in today society to exploit women’s body.

1 comment:

  1. Very good--I especially like the point you make about how we don't ask to see presidential candidates in their swim suits!
