Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The propose of Education Narrative

In today’s society a lot of people don’t know how churches work as far as the business stand point of things.  I plan on informing you on how that works for my church from the knowledge and data information that I know and have.   Sometimes when you are informing your reader about the subject in which you are writing you don’t know how much they know or do not know.  The thing that I like about having these class discussion in class is at least I am aware of what everyone is doing and how much knowledge they have on my subject at hand.  I also like having the group discussion because sometime other people can give you a better ideal of your paper.   With us having the class discussion I am very aware that giving as much information on my paper / in my paper is going to give me the best paper that I can write.  So I will stay committed to my goal of informing my reader with a entertain twist to it because I do not feel like a paper should be boring and not interesting to read.  Not persuading you an anyway shape or from unless you want to start you own church.