Thursday, January 17, 2013

cubing in class about my paper

My Church Experience

Describe it:
                My church is located on 6th street in Bremerton, It has go through several remodel to keep it updated and interesting so visitor can keep coming.  When you walk into the church you have the Lobby and then you go straight into the sanctuary.  The sanctuary is where you would go to hear the word of God, to feel a worshiping experience and a place where you can be at peace with yourself and God.

Compare it:
                If I were to compare my church to other churches, I would say that we have a good time very relax with strong traditional ways not judgmental and all-around good time.  I feel like when you compare churches you judge and at a church that is the last thing you would want people to do is judge you.  However I would compare it to and older church in the since of the song choice the way we do announcement is much modernized and how the Pastor preacher and or teaches compare to and older church.

Apply it:
                I feel like in a church or the church that I grow up in they teach you everyday lesson.  That’s why you would take the time to apply the lesson that you are taught and giving by your Pastor.  When you are giving things at school on your job or in your church and take the lesson in for what it is worth and then you go with it by applying it.  I feel like church gives you a foundation to stand on and can make you a better person if you listen believe and apply the thing or tools that are given to you.

Argue for it:
                I am going to argue for church because I feel like everyone should visit a church once in their lifetime.  I don’t think church should be force upon you or if you don’t go make you feel like a bad person but I do feel like the religious part of it gives you something to hold on to.  Today in this world you need that in order to make it day to day because with all the bad thing that are happen and all the terrible mishap you need something to hold on too.  If you are going to cling to something let it be positive and not something that can’t hurt somebody else.  Now, let me be clear all churches are not perfect, but neither is people and when we get that understood we will be alright.  You have to find one that makes you happy and a church where you can feel good in.  I do believe that can happen because some of great leader come from church backgrounds.  Martin Luther King Jr. is a good example of a great leader who came from a church and people listen to when he was trying to make change.

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